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07799 765476
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Shilton OX18 4AE
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07799 765476
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Brand guidelines
We created a detailed set of guidelines and assets to enable SoC to create materials easily and cost-effectively in-house.

Phased website strategy
We created the SoC launch site to raise awareness of the new Global organisation, it’s faculty and partners.

A versatile visual language
Blends were also used to create illustrations as shown in the designs for SoC launch at the OECD Conference in Paris.

Transformative identity
To help the in-house design team we created a series of blend templates so they could create their own identity variations easily.
The challenge and solution
Nesta is an innovation foundation. Their aim is to back new ideas to tackle the big challenges of our time. They are a UK charity but operate all over the world and work in partnership with others, including governments, businesses and charities.
Governments have pioneered innovation throughout history, and in the face of current economic, social and environmental challenges the need for innovation is greater than ever. As more public officials and decision-makers are being given the mandate to innovate, the
demand for greater support, signposting and advice on how to embed skills and sustain a culture of innovation is growing.
In response to these challenges, Nesta sought to establish a global public innovation collective that would work across the world to enhance the quality, coherence and reach of public innovation learning. As part of this they approached The Allotment to develop a new name for the global organisation, as well as a new brand identity and proposition for the launch.
The first part of the project was to create a name for the new organisation. A name that was accessible and understandable to their broad global audiences, and one that attained the right balance of authority and inspiration.
After extensive research, legal checks and work shops with the client the name ‘States of Change’ was chosen. This was felt to instantly capture the idea that the new organisation’s purpose was to help shape positive change and progress.
The second part was to create an identity solution that could be used globally to articulate States of Change purpose now and in the future.
The concept of transformational change then became the driver for the brand identity which used adaptive blends to create a defining visual language for the new brand.
This rich visual language would also allow States of Change to adapt and grow the brand identity as the initiative developed over the coming years. A brand and identity that stands-out in the sector and feels progressive, modern, relevant, and experimental.

Transformative identity
A logo that’s in a state of constant change and development. Simple blends capture the essence of a collective spirit where many people, partners and governments share knowledge that transforms and shapes our world, our cities and society.
Growing States of Change
Brand Creation
How do you make this adaptive identity system consistent and instantly recognisable as a visual language while ensuring it’s easy for an in-house design team to apply and bring to life across a broad range of applications?
Here’s how we created a transformational identity system, website and launch materials for States of Change - a new global public innovation collective initiated by Nesta.