One of our goals is to work with like-minded growth specialists to create value for our clients. We regularly partner with Progressive, an exciting consultancy, which helps large businesses fast-track and scale innovation. Working with them for DFS (the sofa people) we helped create a new online sofa brand called So Simple, which was born out of customer insight that showed how many of us are frustrated by the magnitude of choice and complexity of buying a new sofa. The solution was a streamlined brand that allowed customers to buy a high quality, comfortable sofa from DFS by making three simple decisions.

The brand launch was incredibly successful and generated over £5m of revenue in its first year.

Building on this success we have continued to grow our partnership with Progressive and have now worked for DFS on a number of innovations, such as a new modular sofa system, a promotion for omni-channel access to help make shopping safer during the pandemic, as well as DFS’s corporate ESG strategy.




Growing comfort and easefor DFS customers